Home » How to contact LinkedIn’s support team

How to contact LinkedIn’s support team

Though LinkdIn is probably the best networking platform, it is so massive that its customer support can be slow and confusing.

Contacting the support team can be tricky, as LinkdIn does not offer direct contact.

Nonetheless, we are here to help you contact  and get your issues sortd out.

How to contact LinkedIn

First of all, make sure you have an existing and up-to-date LinkedIn account.

LinkedIn’s support system works by sending bulk mail masters tickets. These tickets will consist of a questionnaire where you state your issue so you can be to a specialized member of the support team.

When creating your ticket, make sure you save the link so that you can come back and check in on the status of your ticket.

How long can a response take?


bulk mail masters

LinkedIn is said to be very good about getting back once you’ve contacted an actual human from the support team

Typically, queries take between 24-48 hours to be responded to.

Although LinkedIn prides itself in having quick responses (including live chat for Sales Navigator), many users state that the support team is unresponsive, but you can eventually request phone support once you contact someone in the support team.

When to contact LinkedIn

Contacting LinkedIn’s support team should only be the second seo tip for 2017 is to do good keyword research done when you really need their help, otherwise, we’re creating bottlenecks and saturating their inbox with small queries that can be solved easily.

There are two main problems where reaching LiknedIn’s support team is absolutely necessary:

  • Hacked account
  • Restricted account

Hacked account

If your account was hacked, there is a possibility that you still may be able to access your profile.  If this happens, you will need to create a compromised account report and change your passwords.

However, there may be a chance that you cannot access your account anymore, so make sure you send in your report quickly.


Remove inactive leads

After reaching out to a lead multiple times and not getting any sign of life (ie: your emails go unopened)…

It’s time to remove them database d from your leads list. Clearly, the only thing this lead will contribute to your outreach is decreasing your deliverability due to their lack of engagement!

Don’t just delete the lead. If you do that, you might accidentally add them back to your list later.

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