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About Trends Like This Are

Attention I’m not here to talk about them. Trends like this are not typically relevant . To small business owners. Instead I want to present what I consider to be some . Insights from the year in order to give you some things to think about that . Can actually add to your long list of planning elements. Insight: audio content will prevail. . I think audio content is going to be something that people need to really embrace .

The of 18 and Received

In 2020. Obtained a doctorate at the age of 18 and received a macarthur fellowship. . Next week it’s margaret atwood, author of the handmaid’s tale. And then believe it or . Not we still have movies, series and movies. And then I have bob cialdini and . I’m sure you’ve heard his voice because you’re as passionate about sales and marketing as . I am so I ha germany email list ve bob cialdini.



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Show if You Don’t

John jentsch who was on this show and . If you don’t have a podcast now is the time to start. This is a . Great way to create con here are many available to help you tent. It’s also a great way to establish a line of . Communication with the people you want to talk to whether they’re writers and influencers or . People in your target market or even your own customers. So podcasts are a great .

That Format Caters to the

Way to build relationships. But beyond that the format caters to the ne brazil data eds and sensibilities . Of modern audiences. Yes. Guy kawasaki yes he is great. So basically I have people . Like that around me. I mean they passed extraordinary tests. John jentsch yes. So what . Do you need to learn to do that? It’s a different format. It’s a different . Technology. Maybe it’s a different skill.

The of Guy Kawasaki

What does it take to be the host of . Guy kawasaki um I do a lot of panel reviews and fireside chats I’ve been . On both sides so it’s not like using jane goodall’s metaphor I’m not like tarzan . I got I got off the boat in africa right now in london I had . To figure it all out people have less and less time and less attention to . Sit in front of a monitor and read something.

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