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Apply this winning strategy! 9 tips to be a good salesperson 

Although many customers find calls somewhat uncomfortable, they can get the solution they have been looking for for a long time. Therefore, the salesperson’s job is very crucial to convince them and make them understand that the company they represent has what they need.

Apply this winning strategy, to make your calls effective, we give you nine tips to be a good salesperson on the phone:

#1 Know your products and services thoroughly

This is perhaps the most important point of all. Every seller must have a perfect understanding of the product or service they are offering: its prices, features, warranty periods, buy telemarketing data return policies, ways of use and more.

You should always have a ready answer – without hesitation – for when the customer expresses a concern. This can be achieved when you know the product inside out.

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#2 Investigate the client

Before calling the client, it’s a great idea to do some research on them. You don’t need to hire a private detective, you can simply go to LinkedIn and other social media. If it’s an old client, you can look for relevant data in their conversation history.

Getting to know the customer beforehand what is google my business and how do i register my business? will help you get an idea of ​​how they think and some key clues about their needs. By calling them, you will be able to approach them more clearly and lead them to the sale.

#3 Listen to the customer carefully

Another of the most valuable tips for being a good salesperson is this: listen carefully to the client. It is logical: the more you talk, the more opportunities you have to identify new needs.

Apply this winning strategy, let him flow in his conversation and try not to interrupt him. Take notes so that when it is your turn to respond, nothing will escape you.

#4 Adapt your tone of voice to that of the client

It has been proven that the emotional content of a call is influenced by the tone of voice. For example, speaking in a low and hesitant manner conveys sadness and a lack of confidence, something that definitely does not help close a sale.

It is best to try to match or echo the voice of the customer. This has a very important psychological effect that, together with the persuasive tactics you employ, increases the possibility of selling.

Also use the key words that the client frequently uses, so he will know that you have retained everything he has said. In addition, when you repeat them, he can feel more confident and identified.

#5 Create a sense of urgency

A sense of urgency is one of the oldest tactics in marketing, and to be honest, it never goes out of style. You can encourage action by telling the customer that the offer is only available to the first 10 people, or that it closes in 5 minutes.

It’s also worth using the flash sales tactic. Tell the customer that the offer is only valid for 24 hours, so they have less time to decide.

#6 Create a sales script and make the process easier

Just as there are writing manuals and cooking recipes, there should also be a guide in any call center to help you manage the conversation and have confidence in your words.

Having a script in hand will make the task of introducing yourself to the client, offering the product and talking about its benefits easier.

#7 Address the customer by name

As soon as you make contact with the customer, don’t forget to call them by their name. According to studies, you should do this at least 3 times during the entire call if you want them to pay attention to everything you say.

Not only is it a matter of personalization, but it has an effect on their brain so that none of your words are lost.

#8 Do lots of practice

Practice makes perfect! This truth is irrefutable and, in the case of telephone sales, it stands as the best method to learn, develop greater persuasion skills and gain more experience.

You can try listening to other, more experienced salespeople to see how they do it. You can even record your calls and listen to them later to identify where you went wrong.

#9 Build customer trust

A cold call can be uncomfortable for a client. That’s data on why you must work on gaining the client’s trust from start to finish. Without trust, the conversation becomes awkward and boring.

Here, calling them by their name, listening carefully, asking them key questions – that’s why it’s important to research their profile beforehand –

Dear (customer name), we are grateful for the minutes you have given us! As a token of our appreciation, we would like to compensate you with a 10% discount on your next bill.

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