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Can’t It Clearly a Lot

On marketing strategy. Yes. Yes you can’t hear it clearly a lot of shows have . Been converted to podcast format but obviously there’s still radio. Where do you think this . Is going to go audio… Again maybe you’re not trying to predict future trends and . Things right now because you’re just trying to figure out what’s right for you but . It seems to me like audio content right now.

a While but in

.. I mean podcasts it’s been around . For a while but in my opinion audio content is really hot and will get . Hotter and that’s because there’s usually not a larger strategy. This is where a marketing . Consultant or consultant comes in. They can help you develop an analysis of the operational . Results of your strategic component plans and ensure you stay on track toward achieving your .

The of the Business Can

Big goals. Insiders who also understand the complexities of the business can be coached to . Execute the plan and craft messaging that aligns with your strategy. Guy kawasaki yes. I . Think podcasts are like artificial intelligence. So last year’s artificial intelligence was going to be . The next big thing, right? It ended up bein usa email list g that way. So I think we . Might do that with a podcast.



Email Data

Mass Mean in a

A lot of it is…It’s critical mass. I mean . In a se a opposed to going to address  nse apple has created enough volume for podcasts. In the same sense I . Think one of the things that I noticed was qr codes which was supposed to . Be a big thing apple finally made it a real big thing because now when . You put your camera over a qr code you you don’t have to download a .

Make So You Get the

Reader right so suddenly qr codes make sense so you get the b brazil data est of both . Worlds. I actually think this is going to be really important in 2019. We’re creating . A certified marketing manager program where we’re going to train small business marketers on how . To hire someone internally and have that person be mentored by an outside resource, like . A duct tape marketing consultant. Want us to train your staff while you grow your .

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