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Decisions And Position your Website

If you are a Digital Marketer, or more specifically, if you have some knowledge about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you use it in your strategies, there is a good chance that you are always trying to have your pages at the top of Google Searches.

Using the right keywords and terms

related to the main topic throughout the cont sri lanka phone number list ent is one of the most important premises to rank well in a search. However, on December 10th, John Mueller mentioned some important updates for SEO specialists and digital marketers to keep in mind, during the Google Search Central SEO Hangouts .

During the meeting, Mueller received a question

from Aakash Singh, who asked how to reduce  success rate between emailing & cold calling the potential impacts of keeping his website down for a week or two while fixing some bugs. The answer was clear and might surprise other specialists.

Here are some important things you should know about this, so you can try to reduce the impact of this news on your SEO strategies.

How to avoid deindexing

Keep your eyes wide openAlways check if your  bh lists  pages are running correctly , make sure there are no errors, and schedule regular inspections to keep them up to date.

Fix things as quickly as you can

If you need to fix something on your website, try to do it within a day and use a 503 result code, so Google “knows” it’s a temporary outage and will check back. If it doesn’t come back online within a

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