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Do it as if it were for yourself

Gradually the volumes grew. “At first it was one drawer in the kitchen, then three, then we bought a shelving unit, then a cabinet,” Margarita laughs. “Then the cabinet was no longer enough.” Free course How to Start a Scent Candle Brand You will learn which wax is best to use.

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Friendly and modern, how to choose the right premises and equipment, how to work offline and online. how to make candles at home Since Margarita’s first clients were members of her family, she took the choice of materials very seriously from the very beginning.

She bought natural-color wax in Altai:

There are many beekeepers there, and order color wax in Smolensk. Now there are good offers on marketplaces, but with today’s production volumes, this is no longer relevant for the girl. Sometimes Margarita holds master classes on making office 365 database candles. In them, the girl also teaches how to check wax for impurities.


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You can even check it at home:

Pinch off a piece of wax from a candle, roll it into a tight ball and throw it into vodka. If it sinks to the bottom, it means the wax is normal: it has either no impurities at all or very few. But if it floats, it means there is nothing good in it. It is even how online promotion works in practice unpleasant to work with: it smells wrong, it burns wrong, it does not hold in your hands right. Margarita Borkova, founder of the workshop “Just Feel” Over time.

Margarita began to make more soy candles;

She was able to find quality materials and create scents that were in demand among customers: vanilla, lavender, cinnamon, mango. In their production, the girl adheres to the same strict rules: she requests quality certificates from all suppliers. Margarita even collaborat with laboratories to check the composition of essential oils. The girl order many materials directly from Europe and the USA. But after February 2022, the situation chang: almost all usa data components became more difficult to obtain.

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