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Feel workshop is the unification

She was finally able to afford to hire a full-time person. At first, maybe there was a fear that you would teach people, and they would go on and open their own business. Now there is no such fear, because, having gone through this path.

I understand that it is not enough to just know how:

It is important to do. Any idea without implementation is worth nothing. It is not difficult to give birth to an idea it is difficult to implement it, to invest a lot of effort and time into it. Margarita Borkova, founder of the workshop “Just Feel” One of the features of the Simply  of fragrances into thematic collections.

“The first ones were as neutral as possible:

Vanilla, lavender, cinnamon, mango,” recalls Margarita. “Then my husband says: ‘We live in Siberia! What mango? Let’s make something local. We ne a line data fir branch, a bath leaf.’” This is how the Siberian line with candles “Fir Branch” and “Berry-Raspberry” appear. Then there was the “Library” series of five multi-component fragrances with woody notes.


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One of the most popular collections of the brand was

“City-Garden”, dicat to Novokuznetsk. Over time, the collection chang and became a full-flg souvenir, which integrat an information product: the jars wants to reach a specific group contain a brief description of the city’s attractions and QR codes with links to excursions from information portals (for example, to a sightseeing tour from the Novokuznetsk Drama Theater).

With this collection, in 2022, the owner of

The workshop took second place in the Siberian Feral District in the “Tourist Souvenir” competition. And in 2023, already at the all-Russian stage, second place was award to the “Circle of Friends” store. Now Margarita wants to bring back wax candles, which is where it all start, but their production requires more time and personal involvement, so they have disappear from the store shelves for several years. Also, the workshop has already prepar usa data six new fragrances for diffusers, so the line of home perfumes will soon double.

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