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Online store in 59 minutes Retargeting as a tool for increasing sales

The 18th issue of the “Online Store in 59 Minutes” column is devoted to the analysis of such a useful marketing tool as retargeting. With its help, you can increase the sales of an online store several times, as it allows you to return customers to the site, in particular those who abandoned the cart or left the product page without converting.Retargeting is a marketing tool based on the technology of remembering website visitors. The information is remembered, and then you can show all these people advertising banners and announcements on Google, Yandex partner sites, as well as on social networks Facebook or Vkontakte (depending on which retargeting service is used).

To understand the nuances of retargeting, we recommend watching the video:

An example of a splash screen for one of the sections:



3. Annotations are a tool that can be used to create cross-links in the video itself. This is necessary so that the viewer can easily get to your bulgaria phone number data website, for example, or to a similar video, or to a channel subscription form. The text on the annotations themselves should sound like a call to action – like CTA elements on your website.

It is important to link your channel to a website so that YouTube will give you the ability to embed external links into videos, not just internal ones. How to do this? A detailed guide on annotationsread here.

This is what editing annotations looks like:


When videos meet usability requirements, the data on viewing time increases, and it is more convenient to share them, and you want to put a “like” and write something nice to the author. And all this has a positive effect on both the link mass (if the video is shared) and the behavioral (the viewer’s interaction with the content).

Step 4. Distribute the video

So, I already wrote above that the number of video views plays an important role in ranking. Many views for the YouTube search robot are paul buckley desktop support technician equivalent to usefulness. Therefore, the task is to attract as many viewers as possible to your videos. According to some data, the first 48 hours of a video’s life on the video hosting are the most important – if we managed to attract thousands of views in a couple of days, then the process will go like clockwork, but if the video was hanging like dead weight in the first days, then it will be much more difficult to push it to the TOP.

Methods for attracting viewers to new videos:

As you can see, working on optimizing a YouTube channel requires perseverance, time, and effort. But it’s worth it!

And I recommend watching it to anyone interested in the topic of video marketing.my webinarand this presentation:

And if you still have questions, then the article”Web Lab. Experts on Retargeting”, which contains opinions from internet marketing experts, will surely give you all the answers.

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