When you receive a call from any of these numbers, the tool directs the call to the main number, without any mess, confusion or anything. You and your team don’t even ne to know, during the service, about the origin of that call, because it is at the time of measurement that Call Tracking will show its value.
However, some services provide a history for each customer. When answering a call, the attendant or salesperson obtains important information for the success of the action, such as questions answer in the last call, duration, number of recent calls made, requests, etc.
This feature offer by some
companies can help denmark email list considerably in improving the customer experience .
Why use a Call Tracking tool?
Contrary to what many people think, the good old phone call is inde a great channel for contact and prospecting leads. Just because we live in a society that uses social mia and smartphones 24 hours a day doesn’t mean that people have stopp making phone calls.
It is clear that it is precisely this massification and virtualization of digital relationships that leads many people to seek more personal methods of interaction, such as telephone contact.
The reason is simple: everyone has been irritat by unsatisfactory customer service at some point in their lives. This probably happen due to a CRM strategy focus on automation and standardization of responses that was not very effective. The customer ends the call still with doubts, dissatisfi and unsure whether or not the problem will be resolv.
Sometimes these processes
become distant, impersonal adb directory and even too artificial, and worst of all, your company becomes easily forgotten. In the case of sales campaigns, for example, telephone contact helps to provide more what are stories and why are they so strategic? security for the customer. It is proximity, even if it is not face to face, that will clear up doubts and break down barriers during the sale.