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Humans at the heart of the digital transformation

IBM and the Bernard Julhiet Group organized. T a conference on Tuesday, May 27, entitled “The Role of Man in the Transformation . T of the Company.” Throughout the day, clients, managers and HR specialists took turns explaining how to get the best out of tomorrow’s digital organization, as well as its employees. Driven by the emergence of Big Data and the Cloud, new technologies have revolutionized the human resources profession.

For Tim Stevens Vice President of HR at IBM Europe

data is the new raw material of the 21st century: it allows us iran phone number data to better understand employees and customers.” He cites a concrete example from his experience at IBM: “We tried to understand what the common points were between the talents who were leaving us despite our desire to keep them. By identifying these characteristics.

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Prevent the departures of other

employees meeting the same criteria by applying an psi evaluates the loading adapted HR policy. We thus managed to reduce the number of “regretted” departures by 76% and saved the approximately 100 million dollars that the search for new candidates costs, coupled with the loss of turnover induced by the departure of salespeople.” Since this experience, particular care has been given to the “first 24.

the first two years of a newly recruited employee in a crawler data company like IBM which, according to its VMay 28 . The start-up Helpling comes to clean up in France By Mathieu / Business Life / No comments Launched in Germany last April, the on-demand cleaning platform is now arriving in France. After Zalando.

eDarling and Citydeal (bought by Groupon), Rocket Internet is continuing its policy of “cloning” foreign, often American, successes. The Berlin incubator is this time tackling Homejoy, a start-up specializing in home help services for individuals, launched in San Francisco in 2012. The German response is called Helpling and is opening on June 3rd to the French market.

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