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I’ll Explain Why Yet

I’ll explain why yet another attempt at . Restyling will not help the italian championship emerge . As a quality product to be . Exported to the world.The news is this. Two years . After the last rebranding of . Lega serie a, the new logo of the organization that . Governs the top italian . Soccer championship has been presented.The changes are minimal.

The Logo is in

The logo is . In many ways . Similar to the one designed in by the communication agency ragù. The . Focus is . Firmly on minimalism and strong, symmetrical lines that allow the logo to blend . In . Without too much difficulty with any type of background and communication context, whether tv., web or social media .What does the rebranding of lega serie a express?As ragù.

Directly for Lega Serie

Explains directly , for lega serie a “a new brand identity bc data brazil has been studied . That . Enhances the brand on a global level, in line with the new positioning.”the . Agency associated the serie a product with the idea of ​​“ a . Diamond with different . Facets, each one necessary to stage the sporting spectacle that is . Among the most anticipated . By football fans around the world.

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”rebranding-of-the-lega-serie-a-new-logo Ragù Communication Easy

”rebranding-of-the-lega-serie-a-new-logo ragù communication easy . Web marketing nicola onidathe study . Of the rebranding of the lega serie a opposed to going to address made . By ragù comunicazionetoo bad the debriefing . Is not convincing. Not only those who do . Not know much about marketing and communication.But especially those in the field. Let’s . Be honest, the idea of ​​exporting a valuable . Product all over the world by .

Representing It as a Diamond

Representing it as a diamond is a thought as . Simple brazil data as it is banal.Mm . Let’s see, maybe swarovski had already thought about it? Unfortunately . In the case of . The rebranding of the lega serie a, the very foundations of . Brand design are . Missing value positioning .What are the values ​​that represent the serie a . League?How is . Lega serie a perceived by its consumer audience, buyer personas and players that .

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