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Keyword-friendly URLs

One of the factors that works best today and will continue to do so in 2017 is the introduction of the main keyword in the domain name and in the URLs of the rest of your sections.

If you haven’t started your project yet and you want to position it as quickly as possible, I advise you to consider your main keyword when choosing your domain. That is, if for example you have a flower shop in Madrid, a good domain name would be floristeriamadrid.com.

On the other hand, the rest of the URLs on your website should be friendly . This means that you should include keywords that make sense with the content in the URL slug, in order to avoid using parameters and strange characters that a person does not understand.

If you use a CMS like WordPress

advertising database

the default URLs are not friendly so you will have to go to Settings > Permalinks and select the  advertising database “Post name” option. This way, every time you create a new page or article, the URL will contain the title described. However, I still recommend that you edit it and shorten it, leaving only the main keywords .

CTR + Bounce Rate
Another SEO tip that will be successful in 2017 is to take care of the bounce rate and try to increase the CTR.

CTR is the percentage of clicks that your results receive compared to the number of times they appear in Google SERPs. If users click on your pages more than on the ones above you, Google will understand that your link is better than your competitors’ and will gradually promote you.

The bounce rate is the rate of users who have gone to your website and returned to where they came from without interacting with it. This is mainly due to the fact that your title advertises something that you then do not show in the content, or because you have some usability and responsiveness problem for certain specific devices.

For 2017, Google has already said that user experience will be one of the key factors for SEO. And CTR and bounce rate together are one of the best indicators of this.

I’ll give you an example.

Imagine that a user searches for a keyword on Google and your result appears second. The person will normally ws data  click on the first result and see if it was what they were looking for. If they don’t find what they are looking for when they reach the page and leave it, Google will take this as a negative point for that website.

Furthermore, if that same person then goes to the second result and stays diplomatic smart city design  browsing that website because they have found what they were looking for, in addition to increasing the CTR and lowering the bounce rate, Google will understand that the second result is better than the first and will change the positions if this behavior is repeated with more people.

On Page SEO Optimization
On-Page SEO and all its factors are one of the essential points that could not be missing from this list of SEO tips to position a website in 2017.

Remember that after you have selected your main keywords, you must use them in the content you generate by placing them in the titles, subtitles, in the body of your content, in the alt attribute of images, in the meta description tag, etc.

In addition, in 2017, the loading speed of your website will be even more important due to the continued increase in the use of smartphones to browse the Internet, so take care of this aspect if you do not want to be left behind.



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