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Now Margarita continues to work

Mayakovsky (the square where the store is locat is nam after the poet), as well as homemade soap and ceramics. About 80–90 percent of our products are handmade. It would have been impossible to open a shop like this 10 years ago. There would have been no one to sell to, because the demand for handmade products was much lower.

Now it’s all becoming valuable again

In demand, and that’s really cool. Margarita Borkova, founder of the workshop “Just Feel” The Circle of Friends store open in September 2022. All the money accumulat from sales went towards expansion about half a million rubles were ne.

Over time, the store grew into an art space:

Margarita began renting out the premises for master classes, lectures, film screenings, trainings, board game evenings, and creative meetings. In addition, in the fall of 2023, the couple equipp their space with a “Plastinochnaya” where you can buy or listen to music on vinyl.  in two directions – she runs the store and works in the workshop.




The profit comes mainly from production:

For example, in November 2023, Margarita sold almost a thousand of her candles. One soy candle, depending on the hours of burning, costs on average from 450 to 750 rubles. “The store is still like a child who only says “give”, “- laughs Margarita. The workshop works mainly on corporate orders for business: the owner creates merch for various brands. Private online sales also remain, but Margarita believes that in order to develop them, she nes either more time or an experienc SMM specialist.

Over time, the workshop’s range expand

Now Margarita produces diffusers, car perfume, aromatic tiles and interior sprays. The latter are more expensive than candles – 990 rubles per 100 ml. The price for a diffuser, depending on the volume, varies from 1250 to 2000 rubles. After the expansion, employees also appear: first, Margarita attract two student assistants who came in their free time from studying, and in April 2024.

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