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Web Tuning 20 Tips for an Online Clothing Store

Every online entrepreneur wants to make their website as efficient as possible. And there is no limit to this quest for perfection. You can improve your web project either in one fell swoop, by conducting a global redesign, or in small steps, gradually introducing new gadgets that give results. And so that you have a source of ideas for improvements. We decided to introduce a new section “Web Tuning” , within which we will offer a number of ideas for your website, which you can immediately implement in practice after reading the article.

Note that mindless copying of ideas will not bring results, and any experience must be adapted to the specifics of your positioning in the market, target audience and the nature of the offer.

Since the result of a particular feature is influenced by the business area to which the site belongs, we decided to tie each article to a separate category. And today, in the first issue of “Web Tuning” , we will talk aboutonline clothing store.

So, we offer you 20 tricks that will definitely please the visitors of your online clothing store.

Quick shopping function

If your online store has a lot of products that you can easily get lost in, then the quick shopping option will be very useful. And in general, a hint to a person on where to start getting acquainted with the collection will never hurt. Moreover, you can regulate yourself which product to offer within the framework of this very “quick shopping”. Either promotional products, or bestsellers, or new items in the collection, or even all together.

Example with a call to action button to start shopping in Leximiller:


A good option is to make the transition to the belarus phone number data quick shopping mode in the form of a pop-up menu on the site, without the need to go to the catalog section.

Example of implementation:


Original categorization

In addition to the usual filters, which are traditionally located either in the side or top menu, make a non-standard categorization of clothes, in the form of beautiful navigation elements by clothing styles, by colors, and even by the buyer’s character. This technique will definitely work for a female audience!

Original categorization byModcloth:


And another example from Panda:


Product photos on the whole screen, and even outside the frames

If there’s one place where they sell data on photographs, it’s inonline clothing store. In this case, you need to make the photo as high quality as possible so that you can place it almost on the entire screen. Create the illusion that the model is a kind of Gulliver in the land of the Lilliputians. With proper design, the effect is stunning.

Examples of full screen photos:



Non-standard cross-selling blocks

Blocks with related, similar or recommended products usually look about the same on all online stores. I suggest you turn on your mitra alamzad consultant imagination and stand out! Of course, the block should be noticeable, because its role is to make the client want to make further purchases, not to let go after the first addition to the basket. And there are a great many options for solutions to be noticeable, especially if you approach it in an unconventional way.

An example of a non-standard block of recommended products inBreezy excursion.

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