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Recommendations for the Title tag

The title is not visible in the page content , you can only see it in the top bar or in the tabs of your web browser. You can check it by viewing its code (CRT+U in Chrome) and looking for the following tag:


Each page should have a unique title

overseas data

A you should avoid repeating and creating pages that deal with topics that a overseas data re too close to each other.
The title should contain your main keyword , as close to the beginning as possible, without making it seem like you have forced its placement.
A search engine should be able to guess the general topic a page is about by looking at the title.
Write user-oriented titles that are both engaging and informative.
If possible, they should arouse curiosity and make people want to click on your page instead of the others that appear in the results.
The length of the visible title can vary, so to ensure a safety margin it should not exceed 55 characters .
You can change your titles whenever you want, but it’s not advisable to make radical changes. Experiment with variations if you don’t get the result you’re looking for!

Web Address (URL)

Your page address also describes in some way the topic that your page will be about, so you should make sure it is relevant and accurately reflects the content of the page . In WordPress, you can change the address before publishing a page or post.


Recommendations for your URLs
Enter in the address (if it is possible to do so naturally) your main ke data on  yword for the page, or a secondary one.
Do not modify the address of your page once you have published it and obtained backlinks and mentions, otherwise you will lose them.
If you absolutely need to change the address of a URL with mentions and links, re effective marketing strategies can Be developed ways irect the old page to the new one (you can do this with the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin ).
Although there is no formal limit on URL length, it is advisable to keep URLs from being too long, and avoid using stop words .
Include dashes (-) between the words: “title-example-article.


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