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SMS Low-cost SMS the hidden dangers behind

What does the law say?

The GDPR came into force on May 25, 2018. This text, which protects personal data, strengthens the responsibility of companies that process sensitive data. A decision of July 2018 confirms this position.

SMS According to the CNIL (French National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties), this type of behavior is incompatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR ), which gives supervisory authorities the power to impose substantial fines on offenders (up to 20 million euros or 4% of annual turnover).

This text, which adds to the unequivocal decision of the Mobile Marketing Association France in 2014, strongly condemns this practice and gives new powers sms services to telecom operators, allowing the authorities to punish the providers and users concerned. One objective: to protect the secrecy of communications and information entrusted.

sms services

SMS These providers also use poor quality routes that are not authorized by the operators. These are the so-called “gray” routes. SMS This technique consists of using other countries to send messages, instead of going directly through national networks, which explains their lower cost…


Choose a solution that respects your personal data

SMS SMS Many operators in the mobile communications market offer a low-cost service. This is not the direction we have decided to take. smsmode © chose many how to resist fake dlrs? years ago to no longer offer this product, which did not meet its ethical and security commitments or its performance requirements.

SMS That’s why our platform offers only premium services, with a series of features that guarantee you the highest quality of service.

Our solution only provides direct connections with operators, without intermediaries, without any compromise on the security of your shipments, while offering you rates among the lowest on the market. All personal data entrusted to us is stored, encrypted in France and then deleted from our servers according to strict archiving policies.

customers, including many companies in the healthcare and banking sectors. Our IT security certifications  are proof of our commitment to managing “sensitive” data.


SMS Although the cost of a mailing campaign may seem more attractive when using a low-cost service, it is important not to be fooleby these various promises, with the risk of breaking the law and losing the trust egypt data of your customers. In reality, the promis savings will only be short-term and the quality of shipments will significantly deteriorate.

As long-time operators in the mobile messaging industry, we can only advise you to choose a tool that complies with current regulations.


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