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SMS Post Messages

The advantages of using SMS Marketing in your business

On average, we use our mobile phone for five hours per day with 85 checks.
The opening rate of SMS messages is up to 98%.

How many people use a mobile phone?

Did you know that in 2020, more than 6.1 billion people in the world will regularly use a mobile phone, according to a study published by Ericsson in 2015, making these devices the technological devices most used by a large part of the population in their daily lives?

This is according to a group of researchers from different universities in the United Kingdom in a recent essay published in the journal “PLOS ONE”, in which they claim that most of us literally keep our eyes on our smartphones.


They say their phone is the first bulk sms master thing they check when they wake up. Today, people have their phones always at hand and are ready to search for information or check the latest updates on their social media.

SMS Post Messages

An SMS can be used for notifications, authorizations and marketing , among other applications.

bulk sms master


The advantages of using SMS Marketing in your business

On average, we use our mobile phone for five hours per day with 85 checks.
The opening rate of SMS messages is up to 98%.

How many people use a mobile phone?

Did you know that in 2020, more than 6.1 billion people in the world will regularly use a mobile phone, according to a study published by Ericsson in 2015, making these devices the technological devices most used by a large part of the population in their daily lives?

This is according to a comprehensive guide on how to ensure a group of researchers from different universities in the United Kingdom in a recent essay published in the journal “PLOS ONE”, in which they claim that most of us literally keep our eyes on our smartphones.

SMS with low cost per contact and high effectiveness


80% of

They say their phone is the first thing they check when they wake up. Today, people have their phones always at hand and are ready to search for information or check the latest updates on their social media.

SMS, more than 160 characters

Considering the above, using a short message messaging (SMS) communication channel deb directory becomes an attractive marketing tool. An SMS is definitely more than 160 characters , today thanks to the use of links or URL links in the message, the recipient can be transferred to a website or landing page of the advertising company.

An SMS can be used for notifications, authorizations and marketing, among others. We will focus on knowing in depth the main advantages of using SMS in marketing in your digital strategy.