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smsmode and operators fight against Smashing

What is smising?

SMS SMSSmshing smashing or phishing is a phishing technique that uses . It is a scam that works like email phishing, but from a phone number. SMS A cybercriminal attempts to obtain personal or banking information. Therefore, or money directly from the recipient of a message, using the identity of a public brand or service (bank, parcel delivery service, CPAM, Ameli or any other well-known brand).

SMS In 95% of cases. Therefore, this scam contains a URL that redirects victims to a website that looks as similar as possible to the organization that sms promotional campaign is supposed to be the sender, in order to inspire trust. Victims are then asked to enter their bank details to withdraw a sum of money , sometimes on a recurring basis.

sms promotional campaign

SMSIn other phishing attempts by , the scam consists of offering to download an “update” of the application. Therefore, which is actually a copy of a reliable application, which acts as spyware on the phone.

In some rare but increasingly common cases, scammers will ask you to call a number so that an accomplice on the other end of the line can sms click-through rates the complete guide obtain your information.

Scammers do everything to trick the victim into taking action – the alleged sender of the scam is always a very serious company or critical service – and by creating a sense of urgency in the victim .

SMS Phishing is on the Rise:

Since the beginning of the year, French mobile subscribers have been the target of numerous smishing attacks . Operators and the AF2M (French Association for the Development of Multi-Operator Multimedia Uses) have noticed an explosion in fraud. At the top data on of the list: CPF scams , social fraud, under the name of Ameli or CPAM, banks, Amazon or Chronospost deliveries requiring postage…

SMS In recent months this trend has gained ground, so much so that French operators and aggregators. Therefore, in agreement with AF2M, have decided to introduce new rules for sending Push messages (A2P).

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