The click hot zone of the e key which can minimize input errors macbook forced . Shutdown requires users to press and hold the power button for seconds in fact users . Only need to press and hold the power button for about seconds and the machine . Will trigger a black screen shutdown this case is also very classic first give the . Concept of seconds and then the actual operation only takes half the time breaking expectations . And can optimize the anxiety of users when facing freezes and freezes googles recaptcha verification .
Method Are You Very Surprised That It
Method are you very surprised that it clearly asks me to verify but I only . Need to click once in fact google asks for your consent uae email list when you click and . Then verifies your user data retrieves your browser records and even analyzes the mouse track . Before you click to determine that you are not a program script this method greatly . Reduces the pain of users during verification and makes the verification process silent summary there . Is a classic law behind the above cases the law of conservation of complexity every .
Application Has Inherent Irremovable and Unreplicable Complexity
Application has inherent irremovable and unreplicable complexity the only question is who bears this complexity . It was proposed by larry how to set up a professional email tesler in the above cases can also be understood as . Battery display reduces the complexity caused by poweroff shutdown due to inaccurate power meter detection . Ios output prediction reduces the complexity of users deleting characters due to typos the actual . Time of longpress shutdown is shorter it is also to reduce the complexity caused by . Users releasing their fingers before the shutdown time googles recaptcha reduces the complexity of googles .
Verification Mechanism for Malicious Scripts the Socalled
Verification mechanism for malicious scripts the socalled product design or user experience design is essentially . To reduce the complexity buying house b of users using products try to hide boring program problems so . As not to let the complexity disturb users and present the most intuitive and understandable . To users this article was originally published by kushims on everyone is a product manager . Reprinting is prohibited without permission the title image is from unsplash based on the cc . Agreement the views of this article only represent the author himself the renrenshishi product manager .