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The consumer in a world of monopolists

As an advertising agency, we provide people and their organizations with tools and methods that help them compete with other people, products, brands and companies.

The huge bills that Google pays to maintain its telegram marketing position as the default iPhone search engine or the investment in the Chrome browser are nothing more than a broad strategy to maintain total dominance in the  search engine category .


  1. Organized boycott of platform X
  2. ​​Google is a monopoly
  3. Elon Musk sues OpenAI again
  4. Celebrity voices will engage us on social media
  5. Heineken celebrates International Beer Day
  6. Hyundai surprises with theatrical commercials
  7. Amazon’s Results Rise Thanks to Prime Video

Organized boycott of platform X

Elon Musk, owner of the X platform (formerly Twitter), has filed a lawsuit against several major advertisers, including Unilever, CVS, Mars, and Orsted, accusing them of an organized boycott that was intended to deprive the platform of billions of dollars in advertising revenue.

​​Google is a monopoly

telegram marketing

In a landmark decision, a US federal court ruled that Google illegally maintained a monopoly on the internet search engine market, violating antitrust laws. Judge Amit Mehta found that Google dominated the market, holding a 90% share of internet search engines thanks to agreements that made Google the default search engine on devices like the iPhone and browsers like Safari and Mozilla.

Elon Musk sues OpenAI again

Musk claims that OpenAI betrayed its original goals by becoming a for-profit crm transformation explained organization and partnering.

Car advertising in the theater 

Hyundai injects a bit of humor into its automotive safety ads with an elephant and a battering ram. In the first advert, the protagonist invites an elephant onto the stage. The aim of this action is to emphasise that the steel used to data on manufacture the Santa Fe can withstand the weight of two elephants.

Celebrity voices will engage us on social media

Meta has announced new AI features that will enable celebrity voices to be generated on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. The technology will allow users to create messages and posts with voices imitating celebrities, raising concerns about potential abuse.

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