Home » Blog » The second SEO tip for 2017 is to do good Keyword Research

The second SEO tip for 2017 is to do good Keyword Research

Therefore, I recommend that you start getting quality links or backlinks from websites related to your topic and that have a domain authority higher than yours. Your SEO positioning will thank you.

Keyword Research

It is of no use to have optimized your website and your content with keywords that have few searches or whose level of competition is very high.

For this reason, I recommend that before performing any optimization, you write down in a list the keywords you want to position and go to a keyword tool like KWFinder and see if it is worth using them or, on the contrary, if there are other alternatives that may be more interesting for you.

The best option is not to choose keywords with a lot of searches. It is best to aim for mi overseas data d long tail keywords that, although they have a lower number of monthly searches, have less competition that you can deal with.

So that you know how to do good Keyword Research with

overseas data

KWFinder, here is an explanatory video of the entire process step by step and from scratch:


Keyword-friendly URLs
One of the factors that works best today and will continue to do so in 2017 is the introduction of the main keyword in the domain name and in the URLs of the rest of your sections.

If you haven’t started your project yet and you want to position it as quickly as possible, I advise you to consider your main keyword when choosing your domain. That is, if for example you have a flower shop in Madrid, a good domain name would be floristeriamadrid.com.

On the other hand, the rest of the

URLs on your website should be friendly . This means that you should include keywords that make  ws data sense with the content in the URL slug, in order to avoid using parameters and strange characters that a person does not understand.

If you use a CMS like WordPress, the default URLs are not friendly so you  must be taken correctly will have to go to Settings > Permalinks and select the “Post name” option. This way, every time you create a new page or article, the URL will contain the title described. However, I still recommend that you edit it and shorten it, leaving only the main keywords .


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