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What is Trello and how do we use it to organize everything?

Do you know what Trello is? Not many people know it, but it is a very useful application that you can’t miss on your mobile or PC.

I invite you to learn about it in this tutorial article that explains how this tool is the definition of absolute productivity to plan and organize your day to day with greater efficiency.

How does it work, what is Trello and what is it for?

Trello is basically an organizer, very easy to use. It works for both personal tasks and group tasks. It has a wide variety of options that make it easy to manage information.

Trello was bought by Atlassian on January 9, 2017 for $425 MILLION. Yes, just like you heard. If it’s worth so much on the market, there must be a reason.

So let’s take a look at some of its features.

(The attach images are from Trello for the desktop or PC version, the mobile shareholder database application is similar in terms of its structure and has a version both in the App Store as well as in the Android Play Store ).

Luckily, you can use Trello in Spanish since it is available in this language.

The application is bas on the kanban method, an ancient organizational technique.


What is trello


This is my personal Trello board and I want to show it as an example. I use this particular board for:

Add the links of all my articles
Add them in categories
Add texts to share on social networks
What is the purpose of Trello?
The idea behind Trello is to organize content into boards. Each board can be assign its respective color and within it we have the possibility of creating lists.

In one of its most recent updates, Trello now not only allows you to assign a color but also a high-resolution photo from Unsplash . An option that undoubtly expands the range of possibilities in boot season has begun! terms of design. Something that, for me, is essential.

And all this is possible with the free version!

This means you can change the backgrounds for your tasks and activities.

The horizontal layout of the lists makes it easy to view your project.

Trello Board


Both its dashboard and each of its tabs are attractive.

In turn, within each list, cards of different types can be creat.

To access the possibility of adding photos, you ne to purchase Trello japan data Gold, but if this detail is not relevant to you, this organizer can be very useful for your tasks.

The use of labels (tags) and the option of including the calendar (or content calendar) gives it the necessary dynamism that makes any work group see Trello as a world of possibilities.

Attachments can also be includ so that other members can access them.


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